
Are Indecisiveness & Hesitation Keeping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

Become A Confident Action-Taker That Gets What You Want In Life 

Become A Confident Action-Taker That Gets What You Want In Life 

Stop Missing The BIG OPPORTUNITIES and Confidently and Powerfully Make The Hard Decisions In Your Life That Move You (And Those You Care For) Into A More Successful Future…

STARTING December 9th

Do you ever spend too much time making a decision and then miss a big opportunity because the clock ran down?

Have you ever let your fear of missing out cause you to rush into an impulsive decision that you later regretted?

Do you hate the anxiety of trying to figure out if you are making the RIGHT decision, and then spending the night kicking yourself, second-guessing your choices…

Or worse, are you stuck motionless in the water when you know you need to be swimming towards the shore?

Are you completely EXHAUSTED from the relentless UNCERTAINTY of the modern world?

Join Alex Van Dyne For The Decisive Edge 5 Day Challenge
Join Alex Van Dyne For The Decisive Edge 5 Day Challenge

Value: $997

Join today For Only $20!

Complimentary FREE ACCESS Today!

Join today For Only $20!

Complimentary FREE ACCESS Today!

Challenge Starts Dec 9th

Learn The Strategic Decision-Making Tools Used By Some Of The Most Successful And Influential People To FIND And DECISIVELY TAKE ACTION On Opportunities— Without Getting Caught In The Cycle Of Self Doubt That Keeps Most People Stuck In Life— And Discover How Hundreds Of Alex’s Students, People Just Like You, Are Applying These Same Principles And Moving Boldly And Thriving, Even During These Uncertain Times

In The 5 Day Decisive Edge Challenge Alex Will Be Showing You Exactly How To…

1. Tame The Beast

Turn chaos into clarity, and quiet the anxiety and uncertainty, so that you can avoid both the mental spinning wheel of inaction AND the blundering impulsively into trouble so that you can get relaxed perspective on the issue at hand.

Step Out Of The Box

Learn to engage your entire mental arsenal, from logical calculation to the subconscious mind and the seat of creativity to get out of the “tiny box of constraints,” and into the bigger space where the most valuable decisions arise.

Future-Proof Your Action

When you make decisions with clarity of purpose, when you KNOW that you’ve made the best decision possible, it virtually forces you into ACTION… and you never again have to look backwards with that nauseating feeling of regret.

1. Tame The Beast

Turn chaos into clarity, and quiet the anxiety and uncertainty, so that you can avoid both the mental spinning wheel of inaction AND the blundering impulsively into trouble so that you can get relaxed perspective on the issue at hand.

Step Out Of The Box

Learn to engage your entire mental arsenal, from logical calculation to the subconscious mind and the seat of creativity to get out of the “tiny box of constraints,” and into the bigger space where the most valuable decisions arise.

Future-Proof Your Action

When you make decisions with clarity of purpose, when you KNOW that you’ve made the best decision possible, it virtually forces you into ACTION… and you never again have to look backwards with that nauseating feeling of regret.

Ready To Start Comfortably Making Clear, Effective, Winning Decisions… Guaranteed?
Ready To Start Comfortably Making Clear, Effective, Winning Decisions… Guaranteed?

Join today For Only $20!

Complimentary FREE ACCESS Today!

Join today For Only $20!

Complimentary FREE ACCESS Today!

Challenge Starts Dec 9th

Can I get your permission to have some


With you for the next few minutes?

If you could go back 10 years and change just one thing in your life… how much would be different today?

How much would be different with your business? Your finances? Your Relationship?

We all have that thing in our past, that path we took (or didn’t take), that missed opportunity, that bad decision we made, and we know that that one thing we missed 10 years ago, if we had gotten it right, would have changed everything today.

Personally, I can easily come up with a dozen times -- mostly when I chickened out or when I hesitated and missed out on giant opportunities -- but also a few when I jumped too enthusiastically and disregarded the obvious signs telling me to stop…

I’m not shaming myself or being unforgiving to my past self. I’m evaluating the past so that I don’t make the same mistakes in the future… and I know now that there were things that, back then, I just couldn’t have known at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that…

BUT there were so many times when, if I’m brutally honest about it, I really should have known-- I certainly could have known… The truth of things was actually apparent if I had known how to pay attention in the right way, and not stuck in my chattering anxiety.

In other words, if I had a system for consistently making the best decisions AND the confidence to know exactly when to pull the trigger, I could have lived a very different life.

And I think everyone has at least one of those things in their lives, that they know in their twisted gut in the middle of the night, if they had just gotten it right, things could be so different today-- business, finances, relationships, health, achievement, family, fulfillment…

The fact is, back then, not only did I not have the TOOLS to make good decisions, I didn’t even understand the fire I was playing with! I didn’t realize the powerful emergent effects over time that decisions can make in our lives, how a decision we make now can change the entire course of your life… for better or for worse, for years to come.

I had no idea that our destiny is written in these moments of decision or indecision, and that what happens in that moment determines the quality of our future.

During those years, life raced right past me, and I watched other men achieve their dreams and wondered why it never seemed to be my turn.

In today’s world of increasing dangers and uncertainties, the stakes are much higher than ever before to not get this stuff wrong. When all of the things that used to be reliable ways of getting ahead in life are broken, when the carved out middle means that there is so much more risk for those that fall behind and so much more reward for those that get ahead...

As a father of a 4-year old, I never stop thinking about that. Getting behind in today’s world can change my family's fortunes for generations. The skills I’m talking about are more crucial than ever, and can’t be left to chance for anyone…

That's why I decided to teach this material as a LIVE CHALLENGE, where I will be right there with you, to answer every question, and to make sure you actually GET your results, and that I keep my promise:

When you join this challenge, I’m going to show you how to make sure that next time one of these life changes moments arrives, you don’t miss that one thing that will make the difference for the NEXT ten years of your life.

The thing that I know… the thing that I am going to PROVE to you during the 5 day DECISIVE EDGE challenge, is that that ONE THING, that big opportunity… that it is happening in your life right now. They are ALWAYS happening.

Seeing the opportunities, making the right decisions, and taking action ensures that ,10 years from now, you'll look back without regrets.

PLUS, in many cases, once you learn these functional insights and skills, you may even be able to see how to unlock the past 10 years in a way that allows you to reclaim your lost wins that you thought were gone forever.

I’m not a magician! Of course we can’t travel back in time and change the past, but once you you learn how to achieve clarity and certainty, you might find some very surprising ways that you can skip many of the intervening “lost years,” and get a “do over” that lets you end up pretty close to where you would have been if you made the right decision 10 years ago.

The Crucial Piece You Might Have Been Missing...

The modern world essentially TRAINS YOU to never make important decisions. In video games terms, we have been trained to be an “NPC,” a Non-Playable Character in our own lives!

We watch television and movies where other people do great things, and we get a hit of pleasure, of feeling like something happened.

Reality Shows and Instagram and Porn allow us to get our dopamine hits watching other people, while we sit passively and watch.

Is it any wonder that when a big opportunity is staring us in the face--

...a professional opportunity
...a financial opportunity
...a call to adventure
...a possibility for a meaningful romantic relationship
...a chance to transform the relationship we’re in
...an opportunity to powerfully pivot our life into something more fulfilling…

We can’t even SEE it, much less have the tools to quickly and confidently assess it accurately and reliably and make a pivotal decision.

If you are suffering with uncertainty in your life, or if indecisiveness and hesitation are keeping you from your dreams, my friend, you are not alone.

Unleash Powerful Confidence And Self Esteem

The good news is that while indecisiveness creates a downward spiral, when you begin to make great decisions in your life it triggers an UPWARD spiral.

Flexing your decision-making skills builds real and durable self esteem.

Now I can site studies and academic books and experts about what happens next, but I think it’s even more powerful if you just take a moment to feel into the truth of this-- If you build more self esteem, if you are more certain of yourself in all situations, I think you KNOW in your gut, in your heart, and in your mind, that it will be alot easier to make the next important decision with confidence.

And that builds your self esteem even further, and suddenly your life is on fire, on the growth path to excellence, accomplishment, contribution, fulfillment, and peace.

Here’s How To Make The Decisions That Create Your Life:

5 Days of training with Q&A and a simple Daily Challenge that will reprogram you to...

5 Days of training with Q&A and a simple Daily Challenge that will reprogram you to...

  • Be more decisive at work - Tame your “to do list” anxiety, get crystal clear on priorities, and get the RIGHT work done to maximize your impact
  • Be more decisive in a relationship - You’ve probably heard that decisiveness is a universally sexually attractive characteristic, but most people don’t understand how much indecisiveness can lead to relationship stagnation and even divorce. I work with both men and women that can’t even decide WHO they want to invest in a relationship with or whether or not to stay with the person they are currently with. If that’s you, this challenge will be the most valuable thing you’ve ever done.
  • Be more decisive as a leader - The fact is, most people fear making the big decisions, and do you know what happens when someone steps forward and takes care of that decision? They automatically become the leader. Making GOOD decisions solidifies the position.
  • Radiate (and authentically feel) relaxed confidence - Decisions lead directly to freedom. Once your mind is freed from a big decision, stress and anxiety levels drop, actions become clear, and self esteem grows.
  • Master clarity and assertiveness when it matters most - Assertiveness by itself is negative entitlement and isn’t going to win you any friends… Decisiveness and clarity are the source of the positive assertiveness that other people respect and admire.

A $997 Value... Complimentary FREE Access Today!

A $997 Value... Complimentary FREE Access Today!

Challenge Starts Dec 9th

What’s NOT Included In The Challenge..

If you do a google search on DECISIVENESS you’ll discover methodologies for making lists and evaluating pros and cons, you’ll find tactics for arriving at best case/worst case scenarios, you’ll discover processes for “decision making trees,” and countless variations of multistep processes for defining the problem, gathering information, weighing alternatives, taking actions, measuring results, and updating conclusions…

All of that stuff is super-valuable BUT… we'll cover very little of it in The Decisive Edge Challenge.
First of all, because it’s already available everywhere else, and you’ve probably already seen it.

More importantly, if you have already seen it, it hasn’t helped you take action!

The Decisive Edge is about BECOMING the person that effectively and comfortably makes decisions, and makes the great decisions that will propel your life into new success in every domain.




Let’s be adults about this. Obviously there is no way that I can guarantee that you will never make a bad decision again or hesitate and lose an opportunity.

We all have to acknowledge that chance plays a very big role in all of our lives.

But what we do have control over is how we respond to chance events in our lives, and what I can 100% guarantee is this: When you complete this program, you will...

  • Have far greater clarity and motivation towards opportunities that arise
  • Feel far more capable of being decisive and making big decisions with confidence
  • Experience jumps in your confidence and self esteem with every decision you make… even the ones that work out differently than you expected.
  • Agree that this was one of the best investments you’ve ever made in time and money in your life!

And since we’re speaking as adults here, let’s acknowledge that my 60 Day Money Back Guarantee if I don’t hit every one of those bullets above is bullshit, because you probably don’t care about the the FINANCIAL cost.

The big investment here is in your time and energy to show up for the challenge, and we both know that there is no way for me to ever give that back to you if you are dissatisfied.

What I want to communicate to you here is my understanding of just how big that obligation is for me to deliver the goods.

I hold my time, and by extension your time, as sacred. Every minute of the day that you spend is one that will never return, and I intend to honor that fact. Each day’s lesson will be as short, concise, and to the point as possible, while maintaining the integrity of the process and getting you EVERYTHING you came for and more.

The things I am teaching in this program you will not see anywhere else. And I am damn good at teaching them. Take a look at the testimonials on this page. Every one of them is a real person just like you. And I am 100% committed to making this a great experience for you.


I know, I know, can’t you just smell the irony?!

Below you’ll find some FAQs, more about me, and my guarantee, but eventually you have to decide if this is something you want to take on, and here’s the best reason that you should:

In Jordan Peterson’s best selling book, 12 Rules For Life, rule #2 states:

“Treat Yourself Like Someone You’re Responsible For Helping.”

I think that’s a rule you should take very seriously.

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

It turns out that the reverse is true as well: That when the right teacher comes along, the student realizes that she is ready.

And in all humility, I completely understand that I am not the right teacher for everyone. And if I'm not the teacher that you resonate with, you should pass on this challenge...

But PLEASE, do NOT pass on the opportunities of life!

I hope that if you've read this far, I have at least woken you up to the possibility, that if I am not the right teacher for you, you will find the one that is...

You family, your community, and the world needs the best from you.

During these 5 days, I am going to unpack for you functional insights, methodologies, and action plans. I will hold nothing back for “upsells” or the next program. You will complete the program with confidence, clarity, and trained instincts for decisiveness that counts


The only way I can guarantee your results is if you agree to do the daily exercises, and participate in the group.

So if you are ready to get focused, take action, and WIN -- I want you to join me in our 5 Day DECISIVE EDGE Challenge.

I am so excited to share this process with you… because I know the power it has for you as well as the impact it will have on your life and relationships.

Imagine what’s possible when you start taking decisive action on all of the opportunities that the world is offering you… in only 5 days.

If you’re ready to take powerful daily action over these 5 days, and to rid yourself of uncertainty and indecision permanently...

Click the button below and join The Decisive Edge 5 Day Challenge.

Steadfastly Yours,

Challenge Starts Dec 9th

Who Is Alex Van Dyne?

Alex is a “recovered indecisive procrastinator,” and the creator of multiple best selling books and programs that have helped tens of thousands of men, women, and couples enjoy more confidence in their lives.

In 2006, at the age of 39, he found himself broke, divorced, with no career prospects, and forced to move back in with his parents. Everything had gone wrong.

By sheer luck it was at that time that he encountered the mentors who revealed the “secrets” to taking control and actually creating a successful life, instead of waiting for it to arrive. Among the important lessons he learned during that time was the power of effective decisiveness.

In 2007 he founded the company Life Love Passion, Inc., with the mission of helping men and women have the experience of passion, deep relationships, success, and fulfillment in their lives.

More than 200,000 people have subscribed to his newsletters, and his writing, lectures, public appearances, and videos have been viewed by more than 10 million people around the world.

He currently lives in San Diego California with his wife and daughter.


When will the sessions be held?

There will be 2 sessions a day to accommodate schedules and time zones, 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. In the morning I'll be teaching and going over the "challenge for the day," and then do Q&A. If you can't make the morning session, you'll be able to catch up anytime by watching the recording on our private page, and then join for the afternoon/evening session where I'll do a brief summary of the morning and then additional Q&A for the afternoon folks.


What if I want to attend BOTH sessions? Is that allowed?

Yes, and absolutely, you are welcome to join us for both! Many people do!

What if I can't make either session?

If you can't make either, you can still play along, do the challenges, and hopefully, if you have a serious question, one of the other challengers will have asked it in the Q&As. I will do my best to answer questions in the private group as well, but I can't make promises because there are a LOT of challengers doing the challenge with us!

When does it start?

We start December 9th (running Wednesday through Sunday) because I want to give challengers a chance to join up, and because I'm giving some colleagues a chance to invite some of their followers, so I need to time to give everyone a chance to get in before I can fully commit myself to the men in the class. And I am FULLY committed.


Why is it so cheap for 5 days of training?

Don't be put off by how cheap it is, the entire point is make it a "no brainer" and fix this in as many people as I can all at once. It's stupid cheap for what I'll be delivering (but if money is an issue, please email me). The big expense that no written guarantee can cover is your time and commitment for about 60 minutes/day for 5 days. I know that's a big deal, and I don't take it lightly. You show up, and I will deliver my promise.

Got more questions?
Email me at info@alexandervandyne.com and me or someone on my team will get back to you asap.

Challenge Starts Dec 9th


Will this be the year that you finally end indecisiveness, stop missing big opportunities, and start taking the big actions that transform your life?

Will this be the year that you finally end indecisiveness, stop missing big opportunities, and start taking the big actions that transform your life?

Here Are Some Direct Copy/Pastes From People That Participated In My Last 5 Day Challenge

Here Are Some Direct Copy/Pastes From People That Participated In My Last 5 Day Challenge

ABOUT OUR COMPANY: Life Love Passion, Inc, is an established personal and professional training company. We've been in business for 13 years. We do NOT sell "get-rich-quick schemes" or "business opportunities." We provide live and on-demand personal development training to individuals in more than 20 countries. We have numerous 5-star reviews from clients as well as partners in the personal development industry.

ABOUT THIS TRAINING: The training lasts about 90 minutes each day for 5 days. It is offered in two live sessions, as well as recorded versions that can only be accessed during the week of the training. If you want recordings of the training for later use, they will be available for purchase only until the conclusion of the training. During the training, Alex will provide proactive actionable strategies that you'll be able to implement right away on your own.

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures or specific results stated above (or during the training) are Alex's personal results or the results of our clients. Please understand that Alex's results and the results of our clients are not typical, we're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including (but not limited to) your background, experience and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

NOT PART OF FACEBOOK: This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

CONTACT US: info@AlexanderVanDyne.com